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Our Steel Eco-Structure Kits can be built on a slab, or on a pier foundation.
Each is engineered for your property.

Benefits of Using Our Cold Formed Steel Over Stick Built, and how you can lower your costs using it:

  • High Strength-to-Weight Ratio Means Fewer Materials Needed
  • Panelization Reduces On-Site Construction Costs
  • Shorter Product Cycles Means You’re Productive in Less Time
  • Lower Insurance Premiums Due to Weather & Fire Safety Ratings
  • Fewer Site Safety-Related Costs Like Security or Inspections
  • Fewer Long-Term Maintenance Needs Due to Durability
  • Double 6” CEE Framing

A lower up-front price tag is just the beginning of cost savings with a cold-formed steel building. This
material is versatile and scalable and lends itself well to commercialization–meaning that it is easily
mass-produced to bring efficiency and cost savings to the construction process.
So, in a nutshell, CFS is a cost-effective building material from beginning to end.

*We Can Add or Modify Window and Door Openings as Needed

Designed to Be an Easy to DIY Kit!

Price = $28,109 (as of 9-24)

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04:34 PM